About amorettam

I am a proud Yorta Yorta and Indian woman living on country in Victoria. I have a Master’s Degree in Public Health, working within the health sector for 12 + years from clinical to research settings. 

I’ve been fortunate to spend time with and gain knowledge from Indigenous peoples at home and internationally, understanding a holistic approach to healing and wellness includes our physical, cultural and emotional well-being.

amorettam (am-orettam) was created after the significant deaths of my mother and son, and I memorialise and honour them by incorporating their names within amorettam.

The second reason for creating amorettam was to create a minimalistic approach to skincare where it is possible to obtain great results.

This led to incorporating Australian native extracts into our products because they nourish and regenerate skin cells and address several skin concerns; extracts directly from a plant’s cellular structure.

Our supply chains are

  • Businesses who are committed to seeking out or working alongside First Nation peoples, growers, and communities
  • Companies who ethically source fair trade products which we may use from time to time
  • Australian-made and manufactured goods

Our commitment to the environment ensures our manufacturing processes require very little use of water and energy and we continually seek ways to improve our packaging which is either recyclable, compostable, or biodegradable. 

A journey amorettam is committed to.

amorettam’s logo has been designed by Victorian contemporary Artist, Luke Tieri Owner/Director of Bayadherra. It represents grandmother, mother and son and an endless love symbolised by the circle formations.

Chana Orloff

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