Year Of Reflections & Achievements – December 2023

Wow did 2023 just end? The first years of a small business can be overwhelming and daunting and many people in small business find it difficult to manage cash flow, attract new customers, manage time, marketing and sales. This year pushed and challenged me in ways I could never have imagined.

When I thought it was all too hard, something amazing would happen in the form of opportunities or meaningful connections with people. I had moments to reflect on just how crucial memorialising my mother and my son means to my business. I continued my journey sharing my lived experience of suicide through a series of guest speaking events that were profoundly emotional for me.

And so, December has been a month of reflection and learnings as well as amorettam’s key achievements that include

  • Melbourne Museum Gift Shop stocks amorettam products
  • Ngarrimili supports and nurtures Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business and entrepreneurship opportunities and their online store is now stocking amorettam products
  • amorettam’s successful trade experiences at the biannual Mind Body Spirit Expo, the World Congress of Optometry conference and the Melbourne Museum’s10th anniversary of their award-winning First Peoples Exhibition at Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre
  • Kinaway’s ‘Deadly In Melbourne’ business expo introduced me to so many successful Aboriginal-owned businesses and I walked away with loads of inspiration and drive to keep going
  • Kinya Lerrk & Co stocks amorettam products
  • amorettam attends the second Shepparton health wellbeing event
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